brought to you by Xtomic
Blood Sugar Control
Healthy Diet
Guide to Predictable Blood Sugars
Weight Control
• Weight and Diabetes
• How is My Weight?
• What Should I Be Eating?
• Diet and Your Weight
• Measuring Tricks of the Trade
• Food Portions Made Easy
• Keeping Food/Exercise Records
• Medical Approaches to Weight Loss
• Weekly Weigh-In Chart
Logs and Calculators
• Body Measurement Log
• Ideal Body Weight Calculator
• Percent Body Fat Calculator
• Exercise Calorie Calculator
Carb Counting 101
About urwhatueat

Keeping Food/Exercise Records

The food/exercise diary is a tool that will help you discover how your eating and exercise habits impact your daily blood sugar control. If you are new to carbohydrate counting, or if it has been awhile since you reviewed your eating habits, take a moment to look at the example below.

If you decide to use the Food/Exercise Record, you can use either the "Diabetic Exchanges Booklet" or "The Carbohydrate and Fat Gram Guide" to look up portion sizes and carbohydrate values.

To find out how many calories you have burned during exercise, click on the Activity Calculator to the right.
